Meet the Staff

Ryan Wolfe

Ryan Wolfe Pastor

(651) 439-7831

Pastor Wolfe is excited to be a part of the ministry team at Salem to share the gospel in the Stillwater area. Pastor Wolfe grew up across the river near Eau Claire, WI and returns to the area after 11 years preaching in North Dakota and 6 in northern Wisconsin. Pastor loves ministry of all different kinds, but especially enjoys teaching adults and sharing the basics of faith with new members and nonmembers. Pastor enjoys music of almost every variety (singing, playing piano, trumpet, handbells, and starting guitar) and listens to everything from country to classical. Pastor and his high school sweetheart Jessie have been married since 2000, and have four children in grade school, high school, and college. His hobbies revolve around the family these days, but in his spare time he enjoys science and science fiction, and is eager to renew some woodworking and outdoor hobbies. To God be the glory!

School Staff