Watch the livestream beginning at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday. After the livestream is finished, the video will be available to watch at any time.
Welcome! Thank you for joining us for worship today. In our services we gather before our almighty God to receive his gifts and to offer him our worship and praise. Through God’s powerful Word and sacraments he renews our faith and strengthens us to serve in joy.
No one likes to fail, either at home or school or work. When people are disinterested in God’s Word, we feel like we’ve failed. God’s Word offends sinners the same way an unwelcome diagnosis from the doctor offends the sick. When someone rejects God’s Word (including us), that rejection is proof that God’s Word is working – cutting into the sinful heart at the root of our every problem. The same Word of Jesus that stabs at our consciences also brings God’s power to heal.
- Hymn: CW 517 “Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness”
- Hymn: CW 384 “Hail to the Lord’s Anointed”
- Hymn: CW 387 “Arise, Your Light Is Come”
- Hymn: CW 929 “May the Peace of God”