No Bus Service Monday, January 30
Salem Parents, Just a reminder that there will be no AM or PM bus service tomorrow. Please make arrangements for transportation for your child tomorrow. Busing will resume on Tuesday. […]
Salem Parents, Just a reminder that there will be no AM or PM bus service tomorrow. Please make arrangements for transportation for your child tomorrow. Busing will resume on Tuesday. […]
Here is the 2023-2024 Academic Calendar for the new school year. Please note there are two start dates for the year. K-8 will start on August 23 and Preschool will start on August 28. We will keep you informed should there be any changes needed. Please feel free to contact Principal Klatt if you have […]
Salem Parents, Here are some items going on at SCLA that might interest you! Basketball and Wrestling Basketball and Wrestling Nights Kids (grades K-8) and their families Jan 31, Feb 2, and Feb 20. Didn’t get a postcard? Email to get on the list or mention Basketball or Wrestling Night at the ticket table. Boys […]
We are quickly approaching the end of January! Parent/Teacher meetings for January 24th, 25th, or 30th are now being offered for families in K-8. Please use the link below to sign up for a 20-minute meeting time with your child’s teacher. Please contact the teacher if you have any questions. […]
Good Morning Salem Family, Due to the icy road conditions and following Stillwater Public School District, we will not have school today. God’s blessings on your day! […]